Place the RIGHT pup with the RIGHT people.

Matching your puppies with the right people for them is vital. Discover how to observe, document and match your puppies with their perfect homes.

It can be a real worry, questioning and wondering if your puppies might land in the wrong homes, with people or families that are just not suited to the pups temperament…

Approximately 130,000 dogs are estimated to enter UK animal welfare organisations such as re-homing centres each year. (Casey, 2019.)

When you match your puppies with their new owners based on personality, lifestyle and temperament, you set everybody up to succeed. Unfortunately, new dog owners often choose based on looks, and they need YOU to guide them on selecting the right dog for their lifestyle, family and expectations. No one spends more time watching and interacting with the litter than you. And that means no one is more qualified to talk about the puppies as individuals. And no one is better placed to describe them and match them with potential owners.

Inside the Puppy Profiling Program, you discover:

  • How to profile and observe your puppies

  • How to match them to suitable homes

  • Specific and individual exercises for new owners based on their pups temperaments.

  • Prevents undesirable behaviours to avoid problems later in life.

  • How to prevent undesirable behaviours to avoid problems later in life

  • How to support owners in how to train, bond and understand their pup

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Puppy Profiling

    • Why bother?

    • Observations and Positive, Negative and Neutral Behaviours

    • Observations PDF

    • Common Behaviours

    • Individual Puppy Profiling Sheet

    • Puppy Profiling Observations & Exercises

    • Example owner application form

    • Profiling Result v Exercise Sheet

  • 2


    • How does it work?

Discover the top 3 observations that will transform your puppy profiling, so every puppy you raise ends up in the very best home for them.

When you complete the puppy profiling course, you will be able to present your puppy owners with a complete guide to their individual puppies. What their personality is like, how well socialised they are and the exact areas they should focus their training on to bring out the best in their puppy. Your puppy owners are no longer confused, overwhelmed or trying to do it all. Instead, they have a tailored step by step guide to help them find their feet. Plus, you’ll get access to my tried and tested puppy buyer application form, so you can get the information you need to be a champion matchmaker.

One of my biggest passions in life is to keep puppies and dogs out of rescue.

I’m Rebecca Walters, and I am determined to support Breeders to learn about the ethics and welfare of breeding, whelping, raising pups and matching them with the right people to ensure dogs are getting the best start in life – and one that will continue well beyond that. Each puppy is an individual. They have their own temperaments, characteristics, and personalities, which impacts the homes and the people they go on to live with. The dream is that your pups land with the perfect people for them, the ones that will raise them carefully, adapting their lives to welcome them into the fold. The people who set them up for success so that Pup stays with that family for its entire life. Let’s talk about Puppy Profiling – gain the skills to identify how to match pups to people.


“The courses were great and we always refer back to them when we breed and raise a litter. We breed working spaniels and sometimes we get an owner that was not fully prepared for the ride! The Profiling course has helped us out so much in being able to home our puppies correctly, with the right owners. And having The Puppy Pod for the owners gives our puppies security when they are at home with their owners.” Christine Wallace - Hereford Dog Breeder

Upgrade to our Complete Dog Breeding Course Bundle today

Get EVERYTHING you need to raise happy puppies and match them with their perfect forever homes. Our complete dog breeding course covers everything you need from choosing a mate, right through to finding your pups their happy forever home. Plus EVERYTHING in between. Lifetime access means you can revisit whenever you need to, so every litter you breed is backed with support, outstanding knowledge and confidence. It’s the cost of an emergency vet call out, and you’ll feel prepared for any surprises your dog (or her babies) throw at you.